Green wall

 Green wall in the world of contemporary housing structures

The green walls are the most maintenance-friendly system around. Potted plants will sit in rows; will absorb the water through the capillaries when getting the irritation. At times few of the plants can be replaced for other potted plants, minus messing the process of replanting. The advantages of the process will be for lowering the costs of maintenance for the end users. Factually, the Greenwall experts make use of this system for the interior projects. In case of big-sized green walls, these are the key feature wall components, and also include the water features, what's more the open atriums!

Daily exposure to the nature

Green wall promotes the health by merging the nature with the building structures. Regular exposure to the nature is again linked to improving the mental state, along with reduction in the level of stress, increase in the rate of recovery, subsequent to medical procedures. The green walls have approximately 1000tropical plants as well as totally automated multi zone irrigation systems for using the rain-water, which is captured from any building’s rooftop.

The base of the frame

About the irrigation inputs; these are carefully controlled for providing the plants with the maximum water, and also for wasting the minimum. Manual method of watering is again performed by means of the stainless steel reservoirs, at the acme of the frame, while the excess of the water, also the soil particles will be captured in stainless steel basins at the base of the frame. Green wall can be built in variety of ways. Space owners can ask for the assistance of the experts. Nowadays, many of the hospitals also employ the green walls for the wellbeing of the patients.


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